Super Mario Logan Plush Wiki
The Loan Dolphin
The Hitman
Vital statistics
Current Position Hardworking Criminal
Current Age Born: October 12 1983 Age: 34
Current Status Alive
Equipment Gun, Money
Died in Still Alive
Alias The Hitman
Appearances 10
Physical attributes
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown
Likes Goodman, Mario
Dislikes Bowser Jr., Jeffy, Patrick, Brooklyn T. Guy, Black Yoshi

The Hitman AKA the Loan Dolphin is a character who has appeared in SML's newer videos. He is a sour dolphin who is normally portrayed as a criminal or a gangster. In the episode the Hitman (his most prominent appearance) Mario hires him to kill Jeffy as Mario has grown real tired of his act. He nearly manages to get to Jeffy and kill him but unfortunately, he's arrested by Brooklyn T. Guy who Jeffy called as he heard The Hitman. Despite this, the Hitman has made several appearances after this episode.


  • Despite being a new character (as the newer characters aren't well received by fans (most notably Jeffy, Rosalina, Nancy, Dewey Donedidit, etc.)) the Loan Dolphin is a very popular character most likely due to his seriousness and his coolness.
  • In the episode the Hitman, he accidentally killed Patrick when he was supposed to kill Jeffy.